

Did you know that volunteering is good for your health? Studies show that people who donate their time feel more socially connected, report lower levels of stress, are less likely to develop high blood pressure and have a longer life span. There’s lots of interesting science reasons as to why, but the key message is that making a difference benefits everyone.

That’s why we want as many staff as possible to use their volunteering days. All staff* are entitled to four volunteer days a year. That’s four days to find a cause your passionate about, and have a positive impact on more than just those in need. More information can be found in our policy.

As part of our UK CSR volunteering programme there are two ways you can use your days:

  1. Check out our volunteering SharePoint here and keep an eye out for our monthly communications: We have a number of amazing organisations we partner with, who are working to change the world for the better. Whether you’re interested in supporting refugees, helping the homeless, protecting the environment, or championing social mobility, we’ve got something for everyone. One day you might be in Regents Park, improving habitats for protected native species, the next you could be in prison supporting young offenders on their road to rehabilitation. Maybe you want to help prepare healthy meals for London’s hungry, or perhaps you’d rather give our school kids the same opportunities you had. Whatever you want to do, we’ve got options!

  2. Volunteer closer to home: If there’s a local organisation you love, you can use your volunteer days to support them in their work. As long as what they are doing is having a positive impact on society and is working towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, then you can use your volunteer days to get involved with their work. Just make sure you log it on PeopleSoft as Volunteering Leave and write in the comments what you got up to! If you want to volunteer for the same organisation more than once, be sure to email UK CSR first so we can on-board them for you.

*Permanent and FTC only